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Ming Hao,
a Jiangtao Luo,
a Min Yang,
a Lianquan Zhang,
a Zehong Yan,
a Zhongwei Yuan,
a Youliang Zheng,
a Huaigang Zhang,
b Dengcai Liua,
a, Triticeae Research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Wenjiang, Sichuan 611130, P.R. China.
b, Key Laboratory of Adaptation and Evolution of Plateau Biota,
Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Xining 810001, P.R. China.
Genome, 10.1139/g11-062
The ph-like genes in the Chinese common wheat landrace
Kaixian-luohanmai (KL) induce homoeologous pairing in hybrids with alien
species. In the present study, meiotic phenotypic differences on
homoeologous chromosome pairing at metaphase I between hybrids of wheat
genotypes Chinese Spring ph1b (CSph1b) and KL with rye were studied by
genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). The frequency of wheat–wheat
associations was higher in CSph1b × rye than in KL × rye. However,
frequencies of wheat–rye and rye–rye associations were higher in KL ×
rye than in CSph1b × rye. These differences may be the result of
different mechanisms of control between the ph-like gene(s) controlling
homoeologous chromosome pairing in KL and CSph1b. Wheat–wheat
associations were much more frequent than wheat–rye pairing in both
hybriods. This may be caused by lower overall affinity, or homoeology,
between wheat and rye chromosomes than between wheat chromosomes.
Keywords: Ph gene, homoeologous metaphase I pairing, GISH